Gates of the World
The project started in 2016: for the the Dubai 2020 Universal expo, the artist Mickael Obrenovitch was invited to work on a proposal for the creation of a sculpture to be exhibited at the expo. Inspired by islamic art and willing to convey a universal message of unity and hope through his art, he designed a gate, translating a typical wooden door pattern into a contemporary conceptual artwork.
The gate conceptually represents openness and the possibility to enhance communication between cultures and people, establishing a bridge between countries.
Birth of the Project
Origin of the project
The project started in 2016: for the the Dubai 2020 Universal expo, the artist Mickael Obrenovitch was invited to work on a proposal for the creation of a sculpture to be exhibited at the expo. Inspired by islamic art and willing to convey a universal message of unity and hope through his art, he designed a gate, translating a typical wooden door pattern into a contemporary conceptual artwork.
The gate conceptually represents openness and the possibility to enhance communication between cultures and people, establishing a bridge between countries.
Gate of Colombia
In 2019 the first gate was created in Colombia as a tribute to the peace treaty signed in 2016 between the Revolutionary Art Forces (FARC) and the government of President Juan Manuel Santos. Named « Puerta de la Victoria », this gate is a great symbol of peace and conveys to the world the message of working together towards peace.
Considering the recent global context and the peace achieved in Colombia further to the longest conflict of the 20th century, Mickael Obrenovitch decided to extend his art project worldwide.
An exclusive opportunity
Mickael Obrenovitch offers a unique opportunity to each country to make a difference with the exhibition of a gate sculpture reflecting the local cultural heritage and conveying a message of unity and peace.
Gates of the World

A monumental sculpture
Each gate is based on the same format: a ring-shaped sculpture with a minimum diameter of 4 meters. The size can vary according to the budget and the exhibition space available. Each sculpture is installed permanently and is intended for being a sanctuary of peace. With this project we aim at symbolically opening doors for a pacific conversation between different cultures and people, as we believe that fear and ignorance are the enemies of democracy.

A collaborative project
The creation of each gate is a real team project resulting of a collaborative work between the exhibition site, financial sponsors – whether public or private – and local craftsmen involved in the conception and production. Each gate is a unique masterpiece reflecting the successful collaboration of different talents working jointly. For each gate, a media coverage along with a launch event will be organised in order to put forward all participants and sponsors.

Gathering a team of experts
The creation of each door requires the participation of experts in various fields:
• logistics
• transportation
• media
• communication
• public relations
• production of the gate
• technical design of the plan
• creative design
• 3D
• civil engineering of the plinth
• sponsors research
• event organisation
Gate Of Colombia
The Gate of Colombia was chosen as the first gate to be realised from the gates program, as a symbol of hope following the longest country’s conflicts throughout the 20th century. The monumental sculpture, in the form of several large circles joined together, symbolizes the union of the different communities of Colombia. The structure itself has a 4 meters diameter and is manufactured using weathered Corten steel to give a rust-like finish. As if it were a pre-Colombian artefact found in the earth and elevated in the air, it pays homage to the country’s past, present and future. The installation began in February 2019 and took place on the 2nd of March, at the military Escuela de Equitación in Bogota, where it will remain permanently. Situated amidst a wide boulevard, it is an ideal location for all to see. This urban art sculpture will become a landmark in the city, as it captures Bogota’s scenery from various angles : the sun, the Andes mountains, the sky, nature and the cityscape. To give the perception of it floating, it is elevated 1m meter off the ground on a concrete base. « La Puerta de la Victoria » is a reflection of Colombian roots, working together towards a prosperous future.